Tuesday, October 19, 2010

He Had Plans to Take Over my Music Library

A while back, I was in my college's production of Twelfth Night. Now, this was great fun and I made lots of new friends. And one of these friends I grew particularly fond of. His name is Damian.

On a regular basis, Damian would tell me that my taste in music sucked (he's a Kanye fan, so I don't put a lot of stock in his opinoin of good music) and that he was going to show me what real music was. One of the many bands he talked about over and over was this British band called Mumford and Sons.

Everyday, he would ask me if I had listened to them yet, and everyday I would have to go "Um, no. It's not really my top priority right now." Finally, he must've gotten sick of waiting. One day he told me to bring my computer to rehearsal. The plan was that he would bring a flash drive with Mumford and Sons on it and I could finally hear them.

That night in rehearsal, I opened my laptop and called for the flash drive. Damian told me to just copy the music folder to my music folder. I said "Okay" and hit copy. The next thing I know, there is a dialogue box popping up, asking me if I'm sure that I want to copy 256 songs to my music library.

"256 songs? Damian?! I thought this was Mumford and Sons!"

"Yeah, that's how it started out, but I was going through my library and I kept coming across songs that I thought you would like. And I put in some that I hope you'll like."

"Aw, thanks. That's actually really sweet."

And thus was born the longest, most awkward mixtape of all time. Thank you, technology.

Also, I think my music library is evenly split between songs that Damian told me about and songs that Tristan told me about.

1 comment:

  1. haha. I love this. Damian & I should compare music sharing notes. :)
